Well I'm back and this post is going to be completely dedicated to what has happened over the past few weeks that has caused me to fail in posting to all of you out there.
What's going on?
Well lets start with why I have not been able to post on my blog recently shall we?
Before you say it no I am not just a typical teenager that has become too lazy during their summer holidays and has forgotten about his responsibility's, this was all down to whats known as a "Technical Error".
The basic description of what went on is our phone line was damaged, but I'll go into more detail for those who are wondering how this affected my broadband.
Now as most of you will know in order to have broadband (and therefore the Internet) you need a house phone (or at least a phone line), and to have a house phone you need a phone line, the phone lines are the wires connected to those white (generally BT) boxes you can find around your house.
So us ending up with a damaged phone line in other words started off what's known as a domino effect, the phone line was down, so that meant we had no house phone, and with no house phone that meant we had no connection to our wireless hub meaning no broadband and therefore absolutely no Internet what so ever meaning no blog posts.
Yay for no Internet.
Mind you all of this would have been fine if we had got it fixed quickly, but unfortunately because of my extremely bad luck we have been without Internet since the 27th of July, that's a whole 21 days, it took a whole 21 days to have our phone line fixed.
Great service there from O2 and BT.
What makes me laugh about this situation though is how we were affected by all of this because when you think of a damage in your phone line you think oh okay so the problem might be across the road or around the corner so there will be no problem fixing it.
Oh no, it was no where near across the road or even around the corner for that matter, the technician told me the damage was a whole 415 meters of cable away (around 0.2 to 0.3 miles away for those of you who prefer that measurement).
415 meters away and we were effected, brilliant.
To me that really shows how dependent on one another the technology in our time is.
All these fancy gadgets, iPhones, computers, tablets, magic headsets, you get what I mean and one fault in a phone line which has been there for god knows how long and it all just stops working instantly.
All these "advances" in technology and we still need to have the basics.
What's next?
Well I've decided seeing as I'm going to miss the first two weeks worth of posts on the blog I'm going to take this month off from posting.
The likely hood that I was going to be able to post anyway was quite low because next Thursday i will be moving from living with my mum and step dad to my dad and step mum in order to go to college in Colchester and will also be collecting my GCSE results, so i would miss next week anyway.
So my times going to be pretty fully booked for the next couple of weeks meaning that if I get time the post either wont be very long or very good so it wont be much of a read for all of you and I wont make you suffer that.
That's about it, this is me saying goodbye for now and I'll be back around the first week of September or maybe the second depending on how my start at college goes.
See you all soon.